Happy Friday Friends! I am so very excited to introduce you to these two beauties, Abby & Libi, the heart and hands behind Bricolage Events! These two have such a creative and servant heart, they radiate with His love & it pours out over those whom they surround themselves with. Their genuine smiles, their calm presence, and their joyful personalities are hard to quickly dismiss. I know these girls are going to bless the clients they encounter and I am so honored to have them featured on the blog!
I meet these two for dinner last week, snapped a few shots of them, and listened to their future dreams for their event planning business and it was refreshing to say the least!
"As our hearts are aligned with Jesus our fears shrink to extinct & His power, purpose, & light radiates into our lives."
Be inspired as you get to know these two lovely ladies!
Sarah Delanie
Bri.co.lage // a construction made of whatever materials are at hand; something created from a variety of available things.
Abby // Hi! I'm Abby, a 17 year old juggling her senior year of high school, a nanny job, and the wonderful work that comes with being the second half of Bricolaged Events! I love playing piano and ukulele, baking sweets, beautiful quotes, reading, and a glass of southern, sweet iced tea anytime. Ever since I moved to Fort Worth Texas, away from all my friends and the only place I had ever called home, the Lord has really been teaching me what it means to truly trust Him. The Lord taught, and is teaching me, to be dependent on Him, and Him alone. Through that hard transition in life, God gave me a friend. From an outsider's point of view it, would be almost unexplainable how we became friends, due to the vastly different personalities Libi and I have, but God had a bigger and better plan than any we could have imagined. This amazing call to entrepreneurship is such a whirlwind of excitement, and I'm trying to enjoy it all, every bit of it as it whips by. As I walk with the Lord, I am also blessed to take this journey through the realm of entrepreneurship with my dear friend Libi .
Libi // Hullo, my name is Liberty Vrazo and I am one half of Bricolaged events. I am eighteen and I've always been a crafter, an artist, a creator. I don't know how to look at something and not immediately think of how I could make it myself. I love craft blogs, craft stores (Which I often get lost in), coffee and tea, reading, and playing the ukulele.This business and blog is the culmination of everything that I can do well and really love to do and It's such a gift that I can pursue a career in something that gives me so much joy (and with my best friend too!). God is so very good to me and I really hope that this business will always be a testimony of that. I have learned so much in such a short space of time and feel so blessed and joy-filled to be able to do this with my best friend, Abby. She's so smart and talented and we've grown so much together during this process. I can see God working in both of our lives through each other and I look forward to many years of friendship, entrepreneurship, and the sanctification that is sure to occur during the process.
"God has wisely kept us in the dark concerning future events and reserved for Himself the knowledge of them, that He may train us up in a dependence upon Himself and a continued readiness for every event." -Mathew Henry