
Overcome The Lie

Sometime in the past couple of months, through the twitter-verse, I found Ashley Beaudin and the powerful movement she started called Overcome The Lie. And just wow. It's a movement encouraging women to overcome in Christ the lies we believe. It is such an encouraging movement that has already blessed me so much + I hope it is for you too! They are starting a 40 day challenge (which I'm doing!) on Tuesday and I asked Ashley to come and share a little bit about OTL with us. And come to the twitter party tonight at 9pm EST! #overcomethelie xoxo Bethany

I just feel like the Lord is loving us. It is what He does. It is His very nature. Everything about the way He does things and how He talks and what He says and how He moves screams, "I love you." It covers every inch of Him. He cannot help but love us. And His love does not hold back.
It does not get weak or weary. It does not give up or grow tired. It does not get scared, startled or disturbed. It won't manipulate you. His love does not hold back. 

And hell will try and convince you that there are other things that are stronger. Hell will try and argue with you that, that thing you did or looked at or said has stopped His love. Hell will try and persuade you that His love won't satisfy your heart, that other things will make your heart feel better. But it crashes and it burns and only His love remains. 
And even right now, wherever you are as you're reading these words, His love is not holding back. If for a moment, we could just push back the curtains of what we can see with our eyes, you'd see your Father with outstretched arms inviting you into His heart. You'd feel His presence swallowing up all of the darkness, His touch quieting your every anxious thought, His voice calling out for your own. But you know what is so different about Him than any other? 

He is fully here with you in this moment. Fully present. Every bit of His heart with you right now. Not distracted, not thinking about other things, not held up in fear or confusion. All of Him, every glorious and powerful part of His heart fully engaged with your heart.

You know He loves you in your head, but do you know He loves you in your heart?

You are invited to join us for a forty day challenge over at Overcome the Lie where we are going to create space for Jesus to come and impact our hearts as we get intentional about pursuing a revelation of His love for us. We are the beloved and we are loved by God. Beyond even that foundation, we are called to be love to a generation. To extend our hands and raise our voices and stop for the ones He has put before us.

In a mixture of overall challenges and daily practical challenges, we will make this our hearts pursuit over forty days as a community. Sample daily challenge: Ask God how much He loves you today.

For those who sign up, you will receive daily encouragement emails from Ashley and a discount for a print from the online store.

In our heart to build community, we will also partner you with another woman in the group so you can pray for one another and connect. Additionally, we will have two Twitter hang-outs to be with everyone all together and chat.

It will run from April 16th to May 26th 2012.

If you want to sign up, simply email us at info@overcomethelie.org. Cannot wait to hear from you!

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