
Elleigh Ann. "Overflow"

Say hello to our beautiful guest blogger, Elleigh Ann. As Elleigh covers the topic of "Overflow" she pours out her hearts desire to truly overflow with God given Joy, such an inspiring blog post if you are feeling tired & weak. Be encouraged!

xoxo, Sarah Delanie

Jesus said: “I have told you this so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow.” (John 15:11)

The words that automatically hit me as I read this verse were joy and overflow. I’ll start with joy because overflow is what really hit home with me but you can’t have that overflow without the joy, kind of like you can’t have cake without icing (good cake anyway). Joy seems like a pretty misused term if you ask me, my thoughts on joy is it’s not just happiness it’s a true feeling that is deep within our hearts or spirits that is given to us by God only for a specific reason. Joy is that one thing that we have even in those difficult times of our life. The dictionary definition of joy is “a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.” It is a great pleasure and happiness, to know that God is always there to fill us with a happiness like joy, not an earthly happiness that only comes from things that will all fade away but a real happiness called joy. Joy is what makes you want to stand up SHOUT and tell the whole world that your God is super, incredible, powerful, loving, almighty, supernatural, eternal, never failing, and they HAVE to know Him!

Okay so I know I don’t have this feeling all the time and I’m sure you don’t either but we do have a joy that should overflow. Without diving into Gods scriptures and really allowing him to fill our hearts, we will never overflow with joy. I so desperately like I’m sure many of you reading this want to experience this overflowed sensation on a daily basis.

// Always overflowing, Lord let my joy runneth over more abundant than anything. //

That is my hearts plea. I fail Him daily, I don’t allow my self to overflow with his joy because I’m always going to want it my way, I want to be filled with joy on my terms using MY plan not his. I know it seems we hear this same thing all the time but let me tell you, his plan is the only plan that brings me to my knees; that says “you’re nothing without me,absolutely nothing.” I have been on my knees more than once and I know I will be there again because that’s who we are as sinners but as God’s children, we always seem to find that way to stand up only when holding his hand will we truly experience the overflow of joy because who isn’t joyous when holding the Almighty’s hand and feeling the joy of a love so deep no one can comprehend.

My Challenge to myself is this: Bring yourself to your knees everyday, dive into His word, be passionate about learning scripture, don’t let yourself get to that point where all you do is fall apart but rather take up your cross daily, and overflow with joy for Him. Never let the fire that has been kindled within burn out because no matter how old you are, you need to let the little light of yours shine but do not have a simple little light, let God set a wildfire to your heart and life that’s full of passion.

Passion for the Creator of all things and who sent a savior to be the beautiful Redeemer, the perfect sacrifice, and the One who shows what love truly means in every action He takes.

Allow yourself to be filled up and be willing to
experience an overflow of joy. 

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