
The New Year // Ciera Chante

So, the new year is here… The time for resolutions and goals and plans. And for us, entrepreneurs, that means evaluating what worked and what didn’t in the past year, ways to better client experience, & to streamline workflow.

To determine what went on my list of goals for 2013 (business & personal goals), I started praying & planning.

I decided on these guidelines for my goals:

  • Something I need to do.

Those things you say you’ll start on next month and it just keeps being put on the backburner. It could be working out, getting a business license, etc.
  • Something I want to do.

What you want to do for your own pleasure. Take a painting class? Learn how to sew? Take a vacation?
  •  Something for my soul.

Something that will get you refreshed. It could be journaling, vacationing, having a dance party with friends, etc.
  •  Something to improve.

What do you need to work on? Organization? Productivity? Physical fitness?

All of these sort of coincide & overlap with one another, but when I keep these guidelines in mind when writing my 2013 goals I have a list of things that will help me throughout the new year.

I don’t know about you, but I’m more motivated when things look pretty & are organized. Bonus points if there’s checkboxes to mark off what I’ve accomplished… that’s satisfaction, at it’s finest. So, for you organizers, list makers, & go-getters, I created this spiffy little goals sheet.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you have dance parties as one of your examples :) love you!
