2013 is here and we
couldn’t be more excited! It’s a new slate, a fresh start, a brand new
beginning. Yet, any day can be that if you believe it is. As 2013 begins, each
of the women on the Shine & Soar team will be giving you a peek into how
they plan for the new year so you can get inspired + do some planning and
dreaming as well. Happy New Year to all of you wonderful ladies! xoxo
Hey you :)
How is your 2013 dreaming + planning going? I wanted to show you how I plan. I'm not an entirely goals driven gal, I'm more of a vision gal. I have a vision of who I want to be and what life I want to live, that drives me. Last year I wrote down a list of goals without figuring out the WHY behind them, why I wanted them. And I barely touched that list for the rest of the year. Oh how different I want this year to be!
This is how I planned my 2013. It's not perfect, but it is a continual process for me.
I didn't do this step as much as I should have, but without God's guidance, our lives are wayward. Pray for His guidance on what you should do, accomplish, and be in 2013. Sit in His presence.
What happened in your 2012? What did you accomplish? How was your spiritual life? What were you grateful for in 2012? Blankly put, what DID work and what DIDN'T? Write it all out. You'll get clearer. It can be hard for those of you who had a hard 2012 (I'm with ya here) to look back on it all. Write it down quick and praise God for bringing you through it...then focus on what was good in your 2012.
3//How do you want to FEEL?
Life is about how you feel living it, not about how it looks. Write down all the feelings that you're interested in and then narrow it down. Why do you want to feel ____? Look up the definitions and get intentional with each five or six words you choose. I want to feel influential, creative, genuine, love, bold, and alive. All of my goals come out of that. How do I feel genuine? Well, I make it an intention of quality> quantity with my interactions with people, hug a lot & tight, be honest in all my writings, and do random acts of kindness for others. Bam, right there are intentions/goals for 2013.
4//Get Inspired
How can you plan your new year without getting into the mood. Visually, lay out your 2013 on Pinterest. Images that inspire you towards living, pictures of your goals (lenses anyone? :)), verses that set your heart on the right track. My board is here. Pin your vision of how you want your life to look like in 2013. Let it be beautiful :)
Now like I said before, I treat a new year as a new slate and a continuation into who I want to become. What kind of life do you want to live? What is God calling you to be? What is the meaning of your life? What is your mission in life (not your purpose, which is to glorify God in everything)? What kind of person do you want to be? Set out a vision for 2013 in pictures and words. Write down in a story format (or poetry, whatever your gift is) who you are on December 31st, 2013. Maybe it's a scene in a coffee shop as you review your 2013. Make this serve as an inspiration and motivation for you to work hard towards that goal. Derive goals from the person you want to become & life you want to live.
What do you want to create in 2013? What big projects do you want to see come to life? Start your design business? Shoot a styled shoot? Launch a new website? A book?
7//Word of the Year
Now after you've looked back on 2012 and created your vision for 2013, think about the word you want to LIVE in 2013. Is it something like faith, create, authenticity, boldness, or steadfast? Mine is a mix of two this year. Be and Boldness. Why two? Because boldness is pretty much the word of my life and I want to continue in that, but Be is the focus for this year. I'd love to know yours, comment below with it! This word wraps up all my planning + dreaming for 2013.
8//Other resources
Here are some other inspiring ways people are planning for their 2013 + resources for you to do the same!
Now go out there and start making strives on your goals, walking in your vision, and just doing. Even if you do fail at things, you are still making progress. Go out + do!
xoxox B
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